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Monday, October 8, 2007

Truphone develops VoIP client for Apple iPhone !

VoIP on iPhone- it is something both iPhone and VoIP customers demanding, ever since Apple launched the high profile device in USA. Thanks to Truphone, the VoIP world will finally embrace Apple iPhone.

Truphone has just launched an alpha version of its software that would enable SIP-compatible VoIP to work seamlessly on the iPhone.

The VoIP service provider is planning for a private beta in the next four weeks.

The TruPhone VoIP solution needs Terminal commands through the iPhone to use the iPhone’s SIP-stack to make phone calls through WiFi rather than the SIM card. The company will make the application simple and user-friendly when it will be released officially.

Truphone claims that its VoIP application will ensure Apple iPhone users to enjoy calls at considerably lower rates than those charged by the mobile operators.

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